Direct flight between Kota and Delhi starts

Maiden direct commercial flights from Kota-Delhi commenced from Kota airport.

In August, Kota was connected with Jaipur, and now the flight will connect Kota with Delhi as well. The flight will depart from Jaipur at 6 am and will reach Kota at 6:45 am. From Kota it will depart for Delhi at 7 am and will reach Delhi at 8:30 am.

With a travel time of 1.5 hours between Kota and Delhi, the flight will facilitate students, businessmen and short term visitors.

Kota airport, established by Ex Royals of Kota, prior Independence, had landing facility for VIP flights or charter plains till August last year, when to and fro flights between Kota and Jaipur were started on the initiative of the Rajasthan government.

Efforts are underway to expand air connectivity from Kota to other cities including Indore and Ahmedabad. A one-way trip from Kota to Delhi will cost ₹5,499. The air service from Kota to Delhi will be available six days a week — from Monday to Saturday.