These AI pods will help you get a full body scan for free

Good news for Dubai residents! the free-to-use Artificial Intelligence (AI) pods to be installed installed in various places across the Emirate will do quick health scans and give immediate results.

Bodyo, the company that has conceived and assembled the health pods in the UAE, would be installing at least 44 pod units by mid-August. The health pods will be set up across at malls, clinics, corporations or other places with a high footfall.

“These are the first such kind of AI pods designed in the UAE. Only the RnD had been done by the biomedical scientists in France,” Tariq Hussain, CEO of Bodyo.

Once the user has stepped into the pod and entered a programme, he/she will be scanned for body composition including blood pressure, body fat, hydration, weight and much more and gives a health score of between 1-10. Users can download an app on both Apple and Android systems which has a health programme that can help improve the score. It takes five minutes to pre-register before using the pod and another 5-10 minutes for the full scan.