Greece launches new campaign focused on promoting the country as a safe destination

Greece’s Tourism Ministry and the Greek National Tourism Organization (GNTO) have launched a new campaign that focuses on the restart of Greek tourism, promoting the country as a safe destination.

Titled“Destination Greece Health First”, the campaign will promote the country to markets abroad. It includes a video that features distinctive images of Greece and informs potential travellers that the country has undertaken all the necessary health protocols to ensure safe carefree holidays to its visitors.

The video also introduces potential visitors to the “Greece Health First” microsite, where they can find information on everything they need to know about the health protocols applied in Greece against Covid-19, as well as the Passenger Locator Form (PLF).

It should be noted that travellers to Greece will be required to fill in the Passenger Locator Form 24 hours – not 48 hours as was the case until now – prior to travel, starting July 9.

“This campaign will promote the message of restart, safety and hospitality,” Greek Tourism Minister Harry Theoharis said, during the campaign’s presentation at the Acropolis Museum.

“Today we are restarting Greece’s major international campaign abroad. Together with the Tourism Ministry we decided to create a campaign that centres around the problem that the global tourism industry is up against and focuses on the issue of health,” GNTO Secretary General Dimitris Fragakis said.