WTTC invites applications for tourism for tomorrow awards 2019

Photo from WTTC Global Summit 2018

WTTC’s Tourism for Tomorrow (T4T) Awards is the world’s top accolade in sustainable tourism; they recognize the highest ethical standards in the sector and are respected by industry leaders, governments and international media alike. The Awards are aimed at recognizing best practice in sustainable tourism within the industry globally, based upon the principles of environmentally friendly operations; support for the protection of cultural and natural heritage; and direct benefits to the social and economic well-being of local people in travel destinations around the world.

The Tourism for Tomorrow Awards have five categories that have been carefully selected to exemplify how Travel & Tourism can create significant economic, environmental, social and cultural benefits on local people and places. We welcome entries from all tourism businesses and suppliers – destinations, resorts, individual hotels and niche enterprises, as well as global businesses such as airlines and major hotel chains.

Social Impact Award

The Social Impact Award is for any Travel & Tourism organisation that is working to improve the people and places where it operates. Social Impact is demonstrated by the actions organisations take that go significantly beyond the financial imperative of their business needs. This award covers a broad range of benefits that Travel & Tourism can bring, but can include enhancing the lives of the community, improving and protecting the natural and man-made environments, bringing opportunity to a place, empowering local people or increasing the spread of benefits.

Destination Stewardship Award

The Destination Stewardship Award is for any organisation that helps a place to thrive and bring forward its unique identity for the benefit of its residents and tourists. This award goes beyond simply managing a destination and looks to celebrate those organisations that have rejuvenated a place, maintained and developed its authenticity, brought stakeholders together and created something new and attractive. Applicants may include national, regional or local authorities, NGOs, businesses, or community organisations on behalf of the destination.

Climate Action Award

The Climate Action Award is for any Travel & Tourism organisation that is undertaking significant and measurable work to reduce the scale and impacts of climate change. This award seeks to recognize innovative actions through either behaviour change of guests and employees, policy changes or the introduction of technology. Exceptional action is celebrated on mitigating impacts through reducing carbon and greenhouse gas emissions and reducing energy and water consumption; as well as effective adaptation strategies for climate change.

Investing in People Award

The Investing in People Award is for any Travel & Tourism organisation demonstrating leadership in becoming an exciting, attractive and equitable employer in the sector. The award can be for organisations that have worked exceptionally to enhance the capacity of individuals and groups of people who would normally be excluded from employment or who find it difficult to enter the Travel & Tourism sector, to aid the recruitment and retention of under-represented groups, to develop skills for those already employed to advance in the sector and to offer fair employment practices.

Changemakers Award

The Changemakers Award is for a Travel & Tourism organisation which has made real, positive and impactful change in a specific area of focus defined by WTTC. This focus will change each year. In 2019 the focus will be on fighting the illegal wildlife trade through sustainable tourism, in line with WTTC’s own focus on this issue. Travel & Tourism has a unique opportunity to provide alternative and sustainable livelihoods for people who live and work alongside some of the world’s most endangered, and in demand, species; as well as combating demand for illegally traded wildlife products. This category will award those organisations who have made a significant contribution to the protection of flora and/or fauna through their activities.

Those who are interested to apply for the awards need to register in the WWTC website – https://wttc.fluidreview.com . Once the registration is completed, they can fill the application. Submission of application is free. Deadline for the 2019 Tourism for Tomorrow award is 14th November 2018.