Laos calls for upgrading quality of tourism
In a way to boost the tourism sector, Lao tourism industry is planning to upgrade the working standards of staff working in tourism sector so that they will be able challenge their ASEAN counterparts and international platforms. The plan was revealed by a Lao delegation from the Mass Media, Culture and Tourism Institute while attending the Regional Workshop for the Development of ASEAN Mutual Recognition Arrangement on Tourism Professionals (MRA-TP) Work Plan 2018-2022. The workshop was conducted at Bangkok from May 31st to June 1st.
The workshop had attendees from other ASEAN member states, the ASEAN Secretariat, ASEAN-Australian Development Cooperation Programme, and IODP Team Consultant Company from Australia. The meeting also focused on making a vision and creating objectives and tasks in order to accomplish common goals, so that Mutual Recognition Arrangement on Tourism Professionals will turn into reality among ASEAN member states. Lao tourism industry aims at making the staffs knowledgeable, skillful, and diligent through this initiative. This will create so many job opportunities and income for the people of ASEAN, in turn making ASEAN a sole tourist destination.