Bulgarians love for travel

Tourism industries thrive on people’s love for travel. Countries like China are earning quite huge revenue from tourism. Reportedly, Bulgaria has found more love for travelling as the statistics substantiate this. Around 1 million Bulgarians travelled for tourism in the first quarter of the year, recording an 8.2 per cent increase in the number of travellers.

84.2 per cent of the people travelled inside Bulgaria. When 13.2 per cent people flew abroad, 2.6 per cent Bulgarians had trips inside and outside the country. Among this, the people of age group 25-44 were the ones who travelled the most. The people belong to age group 25-44 were the ones who travelled most within the country registering a share of 90 per cent and tourists of age group 15-24 were the ones who travelled most to abroad.

Out of the total trips, the majority were for leisure and relaxation. 43.9 per cent of such trips were registered in the country and 47.9 per cent outside the country. When considering the expenditure of travellers, majority of amount was used for dining purposes inside the country, while spending on transport facilities dominated in abroad trips.