Now you can download data from Instagram

Facebook-owned photo-sharing platform Instagram has rolled out the new ‘Download Data’ tool. The new feature allows users to download a copy of their own data. Currently, the new feature is active in the Instagram desktop version and would be made available to ios and Android versions subsequently.

Contents in the form of profile information, photos, videos, archived stories, post/story captions, uploaded contacts, usernames of followers/people you follow, direct messages, comments, likes, and settings can be downloaded under the tool.

On 25th May Global Data Protection Regulation would come into effect, that compliance Instagram with Europe’s data privacy law. Instagram, is now much faster in terms of data uploads with its latest updates.

“Instagram is now faster to find the right place when adding the location sticker to a photo or video you’re uploading to your story. The location sticker will suggest places from near where your media was captured,” Instagram said in a blog post.