
Kolkata Port trust to start own Heritage Cruise Circuit

Kolkata Port Trust (KoPT), established in 1870 by the British East India Company is all about to start a heritage cruise tour through the Hoogly from 28th April onwards.

The cruise tour named ‘A voyage through Tide and Time’ is coordinated by the Kolkata Port Trust. The voyage starts from Maritime Heritage Centre at Old Fairlie Warehouse, in which the visitors would get the opportunity to learn about the country’s maritime history.

Currently, the Kolkata Port Trust aims to run the service on weekends, with minimum participants of at least 20 people. All the marketing and associated promotions are conducted by the Kolkata tourism department without any sponsors.

The voyage itinerary starts from the historic Man of War Jetty at Prinsep Ghat to board the cruise ship. The travel itinerary further proceeds through the historic ghats, then travel upstream to the Koilaghat jetties, touch the Howrah bridge, the Kidderpore Dock lock gates, the BNR House, and the Suriname Memorial. Ending the journey at the Indenture Memorial and Old Clock Tower site. The three-hour voyage is priced at Rs 1399 for Indian citizens and Rs 2499 for foreign tourists.