
Tuscany welcoming geothermal tourism

Tuscany, famous for landscapes, history and tradition located in central Italy, is welcoming over 60,000 visitors, as part of the natural geothermal aspects of the region.

The area has a wide area assigned to geothermal plants, that supports sustainable development. As per the reports published by the Centre for Tourism Studies (CST) in Florence, around 120,000 tourist activities were recorded in the previous year.

The tourist attention was noted within the museums of Geothermal Energy, conducted by various associations including the local schools nearby.

“Tuscan Geothermal is a great resource not only from an energy perspective, but also for environmental tourism, for culture and for the history of our area,” said Eugenio Giani, president of the Regional Council Tuscany.

Meanwhile, the Larderello Geothermal Museum in Tuscany marked over 27,000 tourist arrival, followed by Biancane Park with 17,000 visits.