
Yellow, Orange weather alerts in Iceland

Yellow and orange weather alerts have been issued for all of Iceland, except the South East. Severe gale, and heavy rain or snow will create dangerous driving conditions, especially near mountains.

Photo Courtesy: Iceland Magazine

The Icelandic Meteorological Office has issued a Yellow Weather alert, effective from noon today from 21:00 (9 pm) tonight for West Iceland, including the capital region, and 22:00 (10 pm) for South Iceland effective until 9-11 tomorrow morning. Severe gale with rain and thawing snow and ice, creating dangerously slippery conditions on roads.

An orange weather alert has also been issued for the Westfjords from 23:00 and North West Iceland, from midnight, until 11:30-13:30 tomorrow. Severe gale and storm with snow and sleet will create dangerously violent winds and low visibility.

The IMO warns that while windspeeds will average 18-23 m/s (40-51 mph) gusts and localized winds, especially near mountains or on heaths, can easily exceed 40 m/s (90 mph). Hurricane force winds (windspeeds in excess of 45 m/s, 100 mph), can be expected.