When and where to watch the Super blue blood moon

A once in a lifetime lunar event occurs tomorrow – a Super blue blood moon, which means a complete lunar eclipse, during the 2nd full moon of the month, while the moon is on its closest orbit to earth. This rare celestial phenomenon—a super moon, a blue moon and a total lunar eclipse, will all occur at the same time. Are you ready for the treat up the skies on the evening of January 31?

People in Siberia, Australia, New Zealand and North Western US and Canada will be lucky to observe the entire event. Major sections of Africa, South America and Europe will not be able to enjoy the event. In India, the north East residents would be the first ones to see the event between 16:21 and 17:18. For the rest of the country, the eclipse will start around 17:18 IST. It will be total at 18:21 hours and remain totally eclipsed till 19:37. For the west coast and parts of Rajasthan, the phenomenon will be visible from 18:21 IST to 19:37 IST. Once the total eclipse ends, the Moon will slowly come out of the shadow of the Earth, the partial eclipse ending around 20:41 hrs. The totality of the eclipse will last for about 1 hour and 16 minutes.

Regional Science Centre and Planetarium, Kozhikode and Priyadarshini Planetarium in the Kerala Science and Technology Museum (KSSTM) in Thiruvananthapuram have made special arrangements for public to view the phenomenon. The Earth Centre of Jatayu Para is also making special arrangements for the sky gazers.