Check out the must-have apps for travellers

There’s only thing the backpackers and globetrotters can get rid of – the travel friendly apps that will help them plan their travel, book tickets, select hotels, have meals on the go, book any services in the destination and what not. Most of the back-pack travelers use Mobile Apps for assisting them in their voyage. Mobile Apps are often used for navigation, ticket booking, room booking etc.

There are a number of Mobile Applications that help travellers to make their journey easy, safe  and comfortable. Let’s have a look at some of the applications those make the life of travelers easy.




This application can be used without internet.  The specialty of this application is that, it provides names of places and other travel information as notifications. Hotel booking offers, special deals, latest news with regard to the place of travel etc, can be obtained through this application.



This application mainly helps travelers for booking their hotel rooms without difficulties. It compares rates of more than 200 hotel booking sites and provides the best option for the user.  It also provides information of the accommodations available in the nearest area of travel destination, for the traveler to choose from.


This is a navigation application developed by Nokia. Apart from Google, this application provides information on cycling paths, walkways and public transport, even in offline mode. Those who travel using this application can have precise information on locations and directions. The instructions provided by this application is said to be accurate.

This application facilitates accommodation in and outside the country. It also provides great deals in hotel booking, flight tickets etc. Those who are looking to reduce their accommodation expenses can rely on this application as it gives preference for budget hotels.