Turkey welcomes tourists for a gastronomic drive

Food is next best experience than the beauty of the destination that connects people to places. Gokhan Tufan, Chairman, All Cooks and Confectioners Confederation, asserts that there is a surge in tourist arrivals just to taste Turkish dishes. With the southern cities of Turkey, Haty and Gaziantep becoming UNESCO’s creative cities of gastronomy, the number of footfalls are expected to increase manifold. The concept of Gastronomic Tourism is quite popular across the globe as it fascinates a large number of food savants among the tourists.

photo courtesy:go turkey tourism.com

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism in Turkey enunciate greatly on gastronomy uplifting the country’s economy itself. Turkish dishes are more appealing to the Middle East and the Mediterranean because Turkey have common values corresponding with the cuisines of these nations,” Tufan elaborates. He also feels that people arriving from Russia, Europe, and Far East would be able to enjoy Turkish Kebab varieties, appetizers, pot dishes, cereals, beans and much more.

Over 30 million foreign nationals visited Turkey in the initial 11 months of 2017 as per official reports.